Holistic Health Therapies help to heal and balance the body as a whole and do not just concentrate on any one particular issue. They work to balance the whole body, assisting the body to heal itself. Therapies are effective for both physical and mental issues, and they also help to prevent any illness. They are safe and effective and can be used safely with conventional medicine
Reiki Therapy is a safe, effective, non-invasive energy technique. It uses universal energy transference through light touch or non-touch method, this is usually the decision of the animal either way it works just as well.
Diet Therapy is taking a look at your Dogs Diet and adapting it to best suit your dog to obtain optimum health. This may include the addition of Herbs Vitamins and other Supplements.
Crystal Healing uses the vibration frequencies of the crystals to synchronize with your pet's body to bring balance and harmony to allow healing. An unbalanced body causes stress and illness
Send us your contact details along with a brief outline of your pets needs and we’ll schedule you a consultation to discuss how Natural Therapies can help your pet. This can be done by email, phone or in person. I operate in a sanitized room and follow government guidelines to keep us all safe from Covid 19.